Looking for a simple homemade nut milk recipe? Look no further! This recipe is all you need for unsweetened, sweetened, and chocolate nut milk with almost ANY nut.
Soak the raw nuts in 3 cups of filtered water overnight.
The next day, drain and rinse well.
Add the drained nuts, 4 cups of water, and optional sea salt sweetener to a high speed blender. Blend on high for 4 minutes.
Place your nut milk bag over a large bowl. Pour the blender mixture into the nut milk bag.
Take your time to press all the liquid through the nut milk bag until the pulp is dry.
If making chocolate nut mylk, add the strained liquid back to the blender. Add the cocoa powder and optional sweetener. Blend for 1 minute until smooth.
Refrigerate immediately in a sealed container and use over the next 5 days.
This recipe does not require sweeteners. If you are accustomed to store bought nut milk, you will likely want to add a pinch of salt and some sweetener. Here are my favorite options of sweetener for homemade nut milk: dates, agave nectar, honey, and maple syrup.Add less sweetener than you think you need. You can always add more after you taste it.I prefer a nut milk bag over using cheesecloth because it gets all of the pulp out of the nut milk, yielding a much silkier nut milk.Refrigerate immediately in a sealed container and use within 5 days.