If you're a fan of Irish Coffee but want to try a matcha version, this Irish Matcha is your dream come true! It's a sweet alcoholic matcha cream infused with Irish whiskey.
Make 1 cup of freshly brewed matcha, by whisking or frothing together 1 teaspoon of culinary-grade matcha powder and 1 tablespoon of hot water. Then, add up to 1 more cup* of hot water and whisk it all together.
Make this an Irish Matcha: Add up to 1 tablespoon of brown sugar (or another sweetener) and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then, stir in 1.5 ounces (3 tablespoons) of Irish whiskey.Make this an Irish Matcha: Add up to 3 ounces of homemade Matcha Irish Cream, or Baileys.
Gently top either version with softly-whipped cream. I take 2 tablespoons of heavy cream and whip it in a small jar with anelectric frother. You don't want stiff peaks, just soft ones, so it can easily blend into the drink.
Serve hot or on ice!
* You want your serving glass to be about 3/4 full at this point.A Baileys Irish Matcha replaces the typical cream, whiskey, and sugar sweetener with a homemade Matcha Irish Cream, like Baileys. The double hit of matcha in the homemade Irish Cream is delicious, and the Matcha Irish Cream levels up the velvety-smooth drink texture.