3scoopsvanilla ice cream1.5 cups, see notes if using matcha ice cream*
Whisk together the matcha powder and 3 tablespoons of milk or non-dairy milk to remove all clumps. Add to a blender.
Add the ice cream to a blender, and blend until just incorporated. Do not over-blend or it will get runny. See notes.**If using matcha ice cream, add 3 tablespoons of milk or non-dairy milk to help blend the milkshake.
Pour into your favorite milkshake glass and add a milkshake straw. Optional: Top with whipped cream and a dusting of matcha powder.
* If using matcha ice cream, skip step 1. If using vanilla ice cream, go through all the steps.This recipe works best using an immersion blender if making just one and a high-speed blender if making more than one.
All store-bought vanilla ice cream will work in this recipe. Just make sure you have one that you like the flavor of because it is a dominant flavor in this recipe.** If the ice cream is not scoopable straight out of the freezer, you'll need to let it soften slightly before attempting to blend it. If the ice cream is super soft, you can get away with mixing the matcha into the ice cream instead of having to blend it.Add more milk as needed to make it blendable, but be sparing so your milkshake stays thick.