I was unsure if matcha and peanut butter were supposed to be soulmates, and I set off to make these matcha peanut butter cups anyways. Lucky for all of us, they are a match made in heaven! Easy to make, and magically delicious.
Mix the nut butter filling ingredients well in a bowl. Freeze for 20 minutes.
Keeping your hands wet (so it doesn't stick as much) roll the nut butter filling into 12 ~2 tsp balls. Freeze for 5 minutes.
Flatten the nut butter balls into discs. Freeze until step 5.
In a double boiler melt the chocolate chips and oil.
Remove from heat, sift in the matcha powder, and mix well.
Add ~2 tsp of melted matcha chocolate to each muffin tin cup. Tap the muffin tin so the chocolate settles. (To add the ~2 tsp, use the tbsp measuring spoon. If you fill the tbsp and pour, there is chocolate still stuck to the spoon...just the right amount.)
Gently add one nut butter disc to each cup.
Top with ~2 tsp of melted chocolate.
Freeze for 20 minutes.
Store at room temperature or in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks...if they last that long.