This Persimmon Jam is something special you can enjoy spread on toast, in overnight oats, or mixed into yogurt! It's a particularly sweet jam as Persimmons are packed with plenty of natural sweetness.
Combine the persimmon and sugar in a large heavy-bottomed pot. Place the pot over low heat, dissolving the sugar. Increase to a high heat, bring to a full rolling boil while stirring constantly until it thickens. I test this by checking to make sure it sticks to the back of a spoon or rubber spatula without running or slouching. This takes about 20 minutes. Skim any scum that rises to the surface.
Add lemon juice and zest, stir to incorporate.
Ladle finished hot jam into steralized jars, let cool completely to room temperature if storing in the fridge. It keeps for up to one month this way. You can also seal the jars according to manufacturer's directions.
* Which persimmons to use: My preference is to use non-astringent Fuyu persimmons. The jam will not make the astringent taste go away so only use Hachiya if you’re into that astringent taste. You want them to be super squishy soft persimmons, like the texture of a water balloon when you press it. I don't tend to be too precious about removing the skins and just remove as much as is easy.** Sugar:fruit ratio: The weight ratio is usually 1:1 of fruit to sugar which does work in this recipe but can overpower the flavor of the persimmon. Jams can go as low as 75% sugar ratio but you need the sugar to react with the pectin and form a strong gel in the jam. For this recipe, it works with a 50% sugar ratio, and that will help the sugar not to over-power the taste of the persimmon.
You can add cranberries for tartness. This flavor will help cut through the sweetness of this jam.Recipe doubles well.